Friday, November 21, 2008


Cyberbulying isn't good, because it counts as harresment. Cyberbulying is when you buly someone on the internet and they tell you to stop and you keep doing it. It's not good for you because if someone finds out then you can get into alot of trouble. Mr. Tramba(my princible at Monroe Middle School) found someone at some High School and he got into trouble. Thats why you shouldn't Cyberbuly.

Monday, November 3, 2008

How did your podcast creation go? Be specific.
It went well, but we didn't start as good as I wanted to. Aubrie kept erasing it because she didn't like the way her voice sounded.
What problems did you have making your podcast? (with Garage Band, your partner, scripting, interviewing, et cetera) Why did you have these problems?
We didn't really have any problems but we didn't really get as much people that we interview as we wanted to.
What was the best part of the podcast, in your opinion? Why is it the best?
I think the best part of the podcast is when me and Aubrie edited it because it made her laugh and I think it will be funny.
What would you have done differently? Why?
I probably would have worked harder because we didn't really work as hard as we could.
What went smoothly with making your podcast? Why?
nothing really. I mean we did have some stuff that went as we planed but everything else was O.K.
What grade would you give your podcast? Why?
probably a B+, because its not as good as others.
Think of ways you could use podcasting in the classroom. Write down at least four.
just listen to different things.
It would be fun.
It also would be funny of the different voices.
It would be cool

Me and Aubrie's Podcast.